Sarah Christin Schrøder

In Front Office, she assists the consultants with administrative tasks and coordination of meetings in the recruitment processes.

Sarah holds a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Psychology, HR, and Management from BI Norwegian Business School. She has experience in various roles within the service industry, most recently as a customer advisor for a marketing platform.

Vegard Cordes Nilsson

With a background in the consulting industry, Vegard has been a manager at EY’s “Financial Accounting Advisory Services.” He has experience implementing new accounting standards and developing the infrastructure around reporting for companies planning to go public. Furthermore, he has gained experience through leasing to multinational companies, where he has specialized in financial and business economic analysis, accounting, reporting, and process optimization.

He holds a Master of Science in Business from the BI Norwegian Business School, with a specialization in finance, and has completed a wide range of business and finance-related courses.


Sofie Almark Jeppesen

Sofie has a Master’s degree in Health Economics, Policy, and Management. Previously, she completed a bachelor’s degree in European Public Health from Maastricht University in the Netherlands. Sofie has experience in various roles within the service industry, most recently as a customer consultant for a financing company. Additionally, through her studies, she has had the opportunity to work on industrial policy for a Norwegian industry association.

Ida Hagen Johnsen

In Back Office, she contributes to the recruitment processes through administrative tasks. She plays a central role in following up with clients, candidates, and visitors to BackerSkeie. Ida also leads the digital marketing division at BackerSkeie.

Ida is a full-time student at BI Norwegian Business School, pursuing a Master of Science in Leadership and Organizational Psychology. She holds a previous bachelor’s degree in International Management from BI Norwegian Business School, including a year of exchange studies at ESADE in Barcelona.

Siv Kjelstrup Andersen

She is also responsible for BackerSkeie’s supplier contacts. Siv has an essential role in our recruitment processes and plays an essential role in the company, providing administrative support to the entire team.

Siv holds a degree in sociology, political science, and media from the University of Bergen. She has extensive experience in sales, idea work, marketing, and administrative work in the publishing industry.

Inger Dæhlen

Inger has a key administrative role in the recruitment process, and acts as project coordinator and organizer. She further assists with tender processes and job advertising as well as managing candidate applications. Inger acts as an important point of contact among our candidates and clients.

Inger has studied business administration, and has extensive experience from administrative tasks, customer service, and sales.